18 Aug Fun Find for Any Tech Parents Out There (Or Just Any Parent)
We were out and about today at the library with our young kids and I ran into these books and the nerd in me had to get one! They had all sorts of companies such as Ford, Disney, and Target. These looked fun but we have quite the obsession with Steve Jobs in our home so we had to check out the Apple book (if you haven’t seen the documentary on Steve Jobs it is really cool). We will definitely have to look at the Google and other tech ones and let you know how they go. It made me happy reading the Apple one and our daughter saying “Oh all those screens are Apple.” Well not all of our screens are but she has seen her fair share of the Apple logo at our house and office. Check them out online here or check at your local library next time. They are pretty fun and I love teaching my kids about entrepreneurs and cool companies!
This post is not paid and not an advertisement we just found these books really cool.