19 Sep Online Contact Eye Exam For Free
So we are still alive over here, I know it has been a while. It is like life gets busy and we are running a business and we have three small kids and school just got back in session and…well you get the point. So when I found out about 1800 Contacts doing free eye exams online I was so excited! Not only was it free but this is such a cool thing that I had to share. You no longer have to go in every year or two to get your exams done. Not just this but we were so excited that this technology is now available. I know that it is good to get your eyes checked, which you still have to (this exam doesn’t work every single year they have stipulations) but the thought that such things like this can be done remotely is so cool. I wear contacts and have since 8th grade so to not have to go in it makes it really nice. I did the test today and it only took about 10 minutes. You use your smartphone as a remote and a screen for the test. Super simple and then you can order right in your pajamas or you don’t have to at the moment. I don’t believe you even have to buy from them and it is only for contact lens prescriptions.
When people ask what we do as a business we try to explain it and a lot of times people don’t quite get it. If you go to this site, someone made this web application to do the test. There is the ophthalmologist behind it all doing the technical testing information but then there is the developer who makes it possible to do remotely. So thanks to some awesome doctor and the help of a rad software developer (and a bunch of other people I am sure) this is possible. So cool when technology and medicine come together. Hope you all enjoy this little tidbit cool and check out their website here.
What other technologies or programs have you found lately?
*This post is not sponsored but our own thoughts and feelings